Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25, 2010

Sad to say I have no photo for today. I woke up first thing this morning and realized I hadn't snapped a single one yesterday. I worked all night Sunday night and came home Monday morning and had to quickly make breakfast and pack lunches for the kids. The kids got off to school and then Mike called and told me he'd forgotten a sport jacket for his business trip. So I jumped in the car and drove that up to him in Renton. By the time I got home I was dead and fell into bed pretty quick. I forced myself awake to get the kids from school and then was completely useless until we all went to bed early last night. So no photo. Oh well... I doubt this will be the last time this will happen. Such is life when you work nights. I'll have to try and remember to think about it before I go to sleep.

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I'm a wife, a mom, a registered nurse, and a Mormon. These are the musings of my life.
